Earthman- The Defender of The World Book written by Harihara arun somasankar released Worldwide
Earthman is born with the power of controlling and creating natural calamities, such as Tsunami, Wind and Thunder. He is considered the child of Mother Nature. He has been gifted with those powers to protect Mother Nature from any contingency. On the other hand, we have the humans intending to destroy nature for their personal gains.
As earthman fights against the human trying to destroy Mother Nature, it leads to a war between the humans and Eathman. Finally, Earthman wins the war and sends a message to his fellow being that Mother Nature is for all creatures to enjoy in peace and that it is the highest duty of a human to protect her.
In the book, Harihara arun somasankar has tried to balance the needs of human and other creatures of this world towards their need of Mother Nature. He coveys that this world has been created for all and it should be balanced, ensuring that all creatures enjoys their rights accordingly.
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