Production House Exclusively for Horror-Thriller Genre Films ‘Night Shift Studios’ Launched
YNOT’s CEO & Producer Chakravarthy Ramachandra launches NIGHT SHIFT STUDIOS, a genre-centric production house, to exclusively produce horror-thriller genre films.
Ramachandra had worked as an independent Producer for over a decade till 2016 when he joined YNOT Studios. S. Sashikanth – Founder and Producer of YNOT Studios, has come on board as a partner in this venture. Over the last 7 years, Sashikanth and Ramachandra have produced highly successful films.
Chakravarthy Ramachandra – Founder and Producer of Night Shift Studios, says – “I am glad to be launching ‘Night Shift Studios’, which was envisioned and created as a culmination of my passion for the horror genre, years of experience working with rich content and talented filmmakers, and my sincere endeavour to make global, experience-based films.”
Sashikanth – Producer, says –“I am super excited to partner with my dear friend Ram for ‘Night Shift Studios’! This is an exciting opportunity for us to take homegrown horror-thriller films to the world. Lending YNOT’s culture to the genre allows us to be at the forefront of the narrative through storytelling innovations.”