Actor Vijay Antony has lined up a promising league of movies like Kodiyil Oruvan and Khaki, which have already raised the bars of expectations. With both these movies backed by Infiniti Film Ventures garnering big expectations, the production house and actor collaborate for a new project, an edge-of-thriller directed by ‘Thamizh Padam’ franchise fame CS Amudhan.
Actor Vijay Antony says, “It’s an honour to be associated with Infiniti Film Ventures for the third time. The producers of Infiniti Film Ventures always crave unique content-driven scripts with entertaining factors. It is obvious with the project that we are already associated with – Kodiyil Oruvan and Khaki. When director CS Amudhan narrated the script, I was completely astonished to see him shifting the paradigms from sensational spoof-based movies to thriller zone. As a matter of fact, I could see his erstwhile image eclipsing from the moment he started narrating this story. I am sure the audience will celebrate him a filmmaker in the Thriller genre also after the film’s release.”
காஜல் அகர்வாலின் ஹாரர் காமெடி “கோஸ்டி”!
Kamal.Bohra of Infiniti Film Ventures said, “Vijay Antony has become a bankable star in the box office, where his movies get ticked in both the columns of box office collections and critical acclaims. The grand success of ‘Kolaigaaran’ followed groovy expectations for his forthcoming movies – Kodiyil Oruvan, Khaki and Agni Siragugal are strong proof of it. He has always been the producers’ delight, and it is very much evident with his lovely gesture while being associated with us in movies like Kodiyil Oruvan and Kakhi. Infiniti Film Ventures is happy to be associated with him for the third time. CS Amudhan is far-famed for his engrossing storytelling and has wowed universal crowds with his hilarious entertainers. This time, he will enthrall them with a different dimension, which is an edge-of-seat thriller. Currently, the film is in the pre-production phase, and we will be making an official announcement on others in the cast and crew very soon.”
Director CS Amudhan says, “It brings immense pleasure to share the news that I am on board to direct Vijay Antony’s new movie. Especially, to have a well-esteemed production house like Infiniti Film Ventures is a boon to any filmmaker, and I’m extremely happy to be working with them. Having made movies based on humor, I am stepping into the thriller genre for the first time. I thank my producers and Vijay Antony for banking their confidence in me. We are now at the pre-production phase and will be soon finalizing and announcing the title alongside the cast and crew.”
The film is produced Kamal Bohra, Lalitha Dhananjayan, Pradeep B, and Pankaj Bohra of Infiniti Film Ventures.